Ab-Hof-Verkauf Familie Thurner vlg. Leschkitz

Close to nature, seasonal and regional - this is how we produce for you! And we have been doing this for several years now with a lot of passion and creativity. The animal-friendly keeping of our pigs and the slaughtering on our own farm without transport stress is our promise of quality. And you can taste it - produced regionally, carefully processed and personally passed on to our customers!

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Kontakt a příjezd

Ab-Hof-Verkauf Familie Thurner vlg. Leschkitz

Micheldorf 4
AT - 9624
Plánovač trasy

Poloha a příjezd

Region Nassfeld-Pressegger See leží v rakouských Korutanech přímo na hranicích s Itálií.

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NLW Badespass Tag65