• Hermagor
  • 21/12/2024 - 30/03/2025
    Pondělí až neděle
Jídlo & pití

Jokl´s Hütte

Quaint. Sunny. Cosy. Authentic. Much of what is served on the plates in Jokl's Hütte comes from our own farm. Especially the smoked sausages or the Brettljausn are a must. You can enjoy them in the cosy restaurant area or on the spacious sun terrace with panoramic view across the Carnia. On its way to the valley, the ski resort’s longest downhill run leads directly past Jokl's Hütte. For this reason, the hut is also a popular last ski stop, where you can end your winter's day in style or enjoy Johann's Alpen tequila for the remaining turns into the valley.

Cesta za šťastnou dovolenou

Kontakt a příjezd

Jokl´s Hütte

Schlanitzen 3
AT - 9631
Plánovač trasy
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Poloha a příjezd

Region Nassfeld-Pressegger See leží v rakouských Korutanech přímo na hranicích s Itálií.

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