Klettersteig Däumling

Stupeň obtížnosti: střední
  • 1.6 km
  • 1.3 h
    doba trvání
  • 1874 m převýšení
    Nejnižší bod
  • 2077 m převýšení
    Nejvyšší bod
  • 270 m převýšení
  • 270 m převýšení

Klettersteig Däumling

In addition to the magnificent view of the Carnic and Julian Alps, the "Thumb" offers some passages charged with adrenaline. The highlight is certainly the impressive "Nepal Bridge", which has to be crossed at a dizzying height. It is 40 metres long, swings under the foot of the mountaineers and therefore requires courage and a head for heights. Eventually, it goes down 100 metres to the left and right of the bridge.

Facts about the via ferrata:

Level of difficulty B/C (in two places C)500 metres length/ 150 metres altitudeStarting point: top station of the Gartnerkofel 4-seater chairliftComplete climbing equipment and helmet are necessaryAfter the via ferrata you can also climb the Gartnerkofel summit (2,195 m, approx. 20 minutes).

An absolute highlight and fantastic panorama that no mountain fan should miss!
Complete climbing equipment and helmet are necessary!

Poloha a příjezd

Region Nassfeld-Pressegger See leží v rakouských Korutanech přímo na hranicích s Itálií.

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NLW Badespass Tag65