ST2 - Werbutz Alm

Stupeň obtížnosti: těžké
  • 16.2 km
  • 2 h
    doba trvání
  • 559 m převýšení
    Nejnižší bod
  • 1460 m převýšení
    Nejvyšší bod
  • 908 m převýšení
  • 906 m převýšení

ST2 - Werbutz Alm

From the Vorderberg adventure natural swimming pool, the route first heads towards the Maria im Graben pilgrimage church. After 1.5 km you pass the turnoff towards Koutschitzalm - keep left here. Shortly after the pilgrimage church the gravel road towards Werbutzalm begins, which you reach at KM 7.7. Descent on the same route Due to the steepness of the route, the tour by E-MTB is recommended.
On the way back, at km 14.0, a visit to the church of Maria im Graben is recommended. The church is a building from the 15th century to the late 17th century and is considered particularly worth seeing.
  • Helmet duty!!!!!!
  • Right clothing: Do not only adapt your clothing to the current weather conditions.
  • Also pack warm clothing, a spare jersey and rain protection in summer, especially in the early and late seasons.
  • Emergency equipment: bandages, repair kit (spare hose, pump, tools), map, mobile phone and possibly GPS
  • ATTENTION: In the mountains reception is not guaranteed everywhere!
  • Take enough to drink with you and plan a stopover in good time


KM 0 Vorderberg natural swimming pool

KM 0.1 right on cycle path R3

KM 0.4 Turn left off the cycle path

KM 0.7 straight ahead

KM 1.5 Keep left

KM 2 Turn right onto the gravel road to the Werbutzalm

KM 7.7 Werbutzalm - end of the tour

Poloha a příjezd

Region Nassfeld-Pressegger See leží v rakouských Korutanech přímo na hranicích s Itálií.

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NLW Badespass Tag65