Der Käsewanderweg
Livello di difficoltà:
31.7 kmDistanza
10.4 hDurata
603 hmPunto più basso
2014 hmPunto più alto
1706 hm
1736 hm
Der Käsewanderweg
Experience the meeting of two cultures on a leisurely hike in the Carnic Alps. A mixture of traditional products from Carinthia and Carniola can be tasted. You can take your time, because there are also overnight accommodations
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The cross-border circular route can be reached from Carinthia either via Rattendorf (Rattendorfer Alm), via Stranig (Straniger Alm) or via Carnia via Paularo (Cason di Lanza).The individual stations are marked with information boards and the path is additionally marked with yellow markings.
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Punto di arrivo
La destinazione turistica di Nassfeld
Pressegger See si trova in Carinzia/Austria,
direttamente sul confine con l’Italia.

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