Plöcken esteso

Livello di difficoltà: medio
  • 39.7 km
  • 17.9 h
  • 965 hm
    Punto più basso
  • 2227 hm
    Punto più alto
  • 3213 hm
  • 2962 hm

Plöcken esteso

The route connects the Austrian Carnic High Trail with the Italian Traversata Carnica. Traversata Carnica.

The beautifully situated Zollnersee hut in particular is ideal for a longer stay. A geo-loop trail, serviced mountain pastures and summit destinations of every category are right on the doorstep of the hut!

Along the Trav. Carnica, the "Ricovero C.ra Palgrande di Sopra" bivouac invites you to spend the night on a self-catering basis. We recommend bringing your own sleeping bag! Since summer 2018, the Rifugio Fabiani (C.ra Pecol di Chiaula alta) has been open again and also offers overnight accommodation.

For the section from Rif. C.ra Pramosio via Köderhöhe to Plöckenhaus, great stamina is required, as there is no support point, so it is only suitable for children to a limited extent!

Alpine experience is a prerequisite for the ridge routes via Findenig and Köderköpfe.

Particularly in the area of the Pal Grande and in the catchment area of the Rifugio C.ra Pramosio vulgo Promoser Alm, the route runs along military "roads" from the First World War, often with dry-stone retaining walls.

These routes formed an essential basis for the Carnic High Trail and especially for the Traversata Carnica.

Sturdy shoes, rain protection, sleeping bag.

Punto di arrivo

La destinazione turistica di Nassfeld
Pressegger See si trova in Carinzia/Austria,
direttamente sul confine con l’Italia.

Pianificare viaggio

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NLW Badespass Tag65