Hermagor - Kadutschen - Bergl - Kameritsch - Watschig

Stopień trudności: Łatwa
  • 16 km
  • 4.5 h
    Czas trwania
  • 576 vm
    Najniższy punkt
  • 782 vm
    Najwyższy punkt
  • 295 vm
  • 295 vm

On the way back you can visit the local history museum in Möderndorf.


Normal hiking equipment.


From car park no. 2 in Hermagor on the main road, we head west, cross the Weißensee main road next to the old post office distribution centre and walk along Guggenbergstraße - signposted Hotel Hauserhof, Gasthof Waldemar, etc.. After approx. 1.8 km we reach the turn-off to Kadutschen, a beautiful beech forest, and follow it on path 101, past an old farmhouse and a holiday home over a ditch, after which we have the option of descending to Mitschig. However, we continue across meadows with very beautiful views over the valley and the Carnic Alps through the village of Bergl, continue on path 104 to Kraschach (Gothic church) and then again uphill through a ditch with a power station to the village of Kameritsch with 2 hotels - Ramsi and Hubmann.

Return option1:
From here descend to Watschig and either take the bus or train to Hermagor.

Return option2:
Return along the Gail, via the Marienpilgerweg, in approx. 2 hours to Hermagor. Take this opportunity to visit the Gailtal local history museum in Möderndorf Castle. (=> this option is shown graphically on the map and corresponds to the dates given)

Położenie i dojazd

Nassfeld-Pressegger See to region turystyczny w Karyntii (Austria), położony bezpośredno przy włoskiej granicy.

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NLW Badespass Tag65