M003 | Lamprechtbauer

Stopień trudności: Łatwa
  • 6.2 km
  • 2.2 h
    Czas trwania
  • 707 vm
    Najniższy punkt
  • 1018 vm
    Najwyższy punkt
  • 311 vm
  • 312 vm

M003 | Lamprechtbauer

St Mark's Church - Oberörtl - Way of the Cross - Maria Schnee Church - Maline - Waldweg - Lamprechtbauer

Table reservations at the Lamprechtbauer on 0043 4715 422

The LAMPRECHTBAUER is known far beyond the borders of the region for its excellent regional cuisine. From the guest garden you can see over the entire Gailtal valley to the Dobratsch (near Villach).


Directly from the village, it is a 15-20 minute walk along the Way of the Cross to the Maria Schnee pilgrimage church, high above the mountaineering village of Mauthen. A leisurely and almost gentle ascent through the forest. The path then crosses the Plöckenstraße road once. From there it continues through the forest to Lamprechtbauer.

Położenie i dojazd

Nassfeld-Pressegger See to region turystyczny w Karyntii (Austria), położony bezpośredno przy włoskiej granicy.

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NLW Badespass Tag65