M004 | Waldschenke, Einsiedelwald circuit
Stopień trudności:
4.7 kmDystans
1.4 hCzas trwania
709 vmNajniższy punkt
795 vmNajwyższy punkt
87 vm
86 vm
M004 | Waldschenke, Einsiedelwald circuit
Wonderful forest walk from the Aquarena car park / Vorhegglift valley station through the Einsiedelwald forest to the Waldschenke and back.
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Wonderful family hike with/without dog. After a short ascent, the route is almost flat in the Einsiedelwald forest towards Laas as far as the Waldschenke. Via the Auenweg and Dr Wressnigweg, mostly in the forest, to the Einsiedel church and back again.
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Położenie i dojazd
Nassfeld-Pressegger See to region turystyczny w Karyntii (Austria), położony bezpośredno przy włoskiej granicy.
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