MTB Carnic border marathon

Stopień trudności: Łatwa
  • 57.2 km
  • 8.4 h
    Czas trwania
  • 621 vm
    Najniższy punkt
  • 1804 vm
    Najwyższy punkt
  • 1956 vm
  • 1956 vm

MTB Carnic border marathon

We mostly walk along well-maintained forest and alpine paths. The farmed mountain pastures invite you to take a break. The bike has to be carried for a short section.


The tour can be completed as a sporting challenge or as a leisurely day tour.


MTB equipment with repair kit. Rain cover.


Starting from the ÖAV leisure park in the mountaineering village of Mauthen, the route initially leads leisurely along the Gail to the village of Stranig. The route now climbs steadily up the alpine path past the Straniger Alm (checkpoint) to the highest point of the tour on the Waidegger Höhe (1,806 m). The recovery during the descent to the Achornach Alm is good, as from there you have to carry your bike a little way up a path to the Ochsner Alm! The Zollnersee Hütte (checkpoint) is the next destination. From there it's a short stretch along the path from KHW 403 towards Obere Bischof Alm (checkpoint). Follow the route out of the Kronhof Graben (a short uphill section) until you reach the junction towards Krieghof and Dolling. From there you reach the Missoria Alm, where you have to take the forest path uphill again to reach the "Kuhloch" (checkpoint). Now it's all downhill to the finish at the ÖAV leisure park.

Położenie i dojazd

Nassfeld-Pressegger See to region turystyczny w Karyntii (Austria), położony bezpośredno przy włoskiej granicy.

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