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XS_N14 Nassfeld Seeloipe (Skating)
Stopień trudności:Trudna
2.3 km
1.5 h
Czas trwania
1514 vm
Najniższy punkt
1554 vm
Najwyższy punkt
41 vm
41 vm
XS_N14 Nassfeld Seeloipe (Skating)
Nature lovers who need a few hours for themselves will find new serenity in cross-country skiing.
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The trail starts directly behind the former customs building in Italy, the trail runs beautifully along the Lago Pramollo.
The trail is suitable for beginners as well as for advanced skiers. Due to its slight hilly slopes at the beginning of the trail, you should take it slowly.
Over the 2-kilometre-long trail, you will complete 80 metres of altitude difference.