HP4.1 - Naturschwimmbad Radnig

Razina težine: lagana
  • 9.1 km
  • 1.3 h
  • 586 nv
    Najniža točka
  • 736 nv
    Najviša točka
  • 151 nv
  • 151 nv

HP4.1 - Naturschwimmbad Radnig

From TVB Hermagor, you first follow the R3B cycle path to the crossroads with the R3A cycle path. Follow this in an easterly direction until the turn-off to the village of Obervellach. The ascent leads first on asphalt through Obervellach, soon it continues on a gravel road. At the first houses of Radnig you change back to asphalt. Just before the natural swimming pool in Radnig, turn left over the bridge into the centre of the village and from here downhill to the starting point in Hermagor. The tour is also suitable for E-MTB.

Variant: the tour can also be taken in the opposite direction

Also take the divining rod trail along the route or visit the village church of St. Katharina in Radnig.
  • Helmet duty!!!!!!
  • Right clothing: Do not only adapt your clothing to the current weather conditions.
  • Also pack warm clothing, a spare jersey and rain protection in summer, especially in the early and late seasons.
  • Emergency equipment: bandages, repair kit (spare hose, pump, tools), map, mobile phone and possibly GPS
  • ATTENTION: In the mountains reception is not guaranteed everywhere!
  • Take enough to drink with you and plan a stopover in good time


KM 0 from TVB Hermagor approx. 100 metres to the north

KM 0.1 Turn right (cycle path R3B)

KM 0.3 Turn right (cycle path R3B)

KM 0.5 Straight through the roundabout, continue along the cycle path

KM 0.7 left (cycle path R3A)

KM 1.5 Turn right and follow the R3A cycle path

KM 3.1 Turn left over the railway junction and straight on along the main road towards Obervellach

KM 3.5 Obervellach - bear left

KM 3.7 Turn right across the stream and follow the main road

KM 4.2 Change to gravel road

KM 5.8 Bear left - towards the natural swimming pool in Radnig

KM 6.0 Change to asphalt

KM 6.4 Turn left over the bridge in the direction of Radnig town centre

KM 7.0 straight on - downhill towards Hermagor

KM 8.9 Turn right over the bridge back to your starting point

Lokacija i dolazak

Regija Nassfeld-Pressegger See nalazi se u Koruškoj/ Austriji direktno na granci s Italijom.

Planiranje putovanja

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NLW Badespass Tag65