HP5 - Rossalm Runde

Razina težine: lagana
  • 5.8 km
  • 1 h
  • 1512 nv
    Najniža točka
  • 1712 nv
    Najviša točka
  • 200 nv
  • 200 nv

HP5 - Rossalm Runde

From the Nassfeld Pass follow the forest road in the direction of Madritschen until you reach the Rossalm. From here it is downhill again, past the Tressdorfer Alm and back to the starting point. The tour can also be done by E-MTB.

HIGHLIGHT: wonderful view during the whole tour

You should definitely plan a stop at the Tressdorfer Alm show dairy! Because here you can experience at first hand how the delicious regional alpine cheese is produced. Refreshment included!
  • Helmet duty!!!!!!
  • Right clothing: Do not only adapt your clothing to the current weather conditions. Also pack warm clothing, a spare jersey and rain protection in summer, especially in the early and late seasons.
  • Emergency equipment: bandages, repair kit (spare hose, pump, tools), map, mobile phone and possibly GPS
  • ATTENTION: In the mountains reception is not guaranteed everywhere!
  • Take enough to drink with you and plan a stopover in good time


KM 0 The gravel road towards Rossalm begins at the Nassfeld Pass

KM 1.2 Bear left - continue along the main road

KM 1.4 Bear right - direction Rossalm

KM 1.7 Rossalm - straight on

KM 2 keep to the right - continue downhill

KM 3.3 Turn right towards the lift station

KM 4.3 Keep right - continue along the main road

KM 5.4 Turn right to the Madritschenbahn valley station

KM 5.5 along the gravel road to the Nassfeld Pass road

KM 5.6 on the pass road only a few metres from the starting point

Lokacija i dolazak

Regija Nassfeld-Pressegger See nalazi se u Koruškoj/ Austriji direktno na granci s Italijom.

Planiranje putovanja

Što želite otkriti?

NLW Badespass Tag65