Nassfeld - Il miglio storico

Livello di difficoltà: medio
  • 2.9 km
  • 0.7 h
  • 1530 hm
    Punto più basso
  • 1627 hm
    Punto più alto
  • 110 hm
  • 110 hm

Nassfeld - Il miglio storico

The hike leads from the state border to the Watschiger Alm and back via the sulphur spring. The visitor gets to know botanical and geological features, but also dives into the long history of this area with the main focus on World War I. It is a way to reflect and should remind us how grateful we can be for a united Europe. The Nassfeldkirche - created during the war - became a symbol of international understanding and peaceful coexistence, at the same time an important mission for the future.

The Nassfeld formed an important regional building block on the way to a common, peace-keeping Europe. European history was indeed written here. Follow these traces. And tell others about it.

Punto di arrivo

La destinazione turistica di Nassfeld
Pressegger See si trova in Carinzia/Austria,
direttamente sul confine con l’Italia.

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NLW Badespass Tag65