TW_N8 Historische Meile Nassfeld
Razina težine:
2.9 kmUdaljenost
0.7 hTrajanje
1530 nvNajniža točka
1627 nvNajviša točka
110 nv
110 nv
TW_N8 Historische Meile Nassfeld
A journey through time into the fascinating history of this border region
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Waypoints Historical Mile Nassfeld:
- Border crossing Nassfeld
- Stone Age hunting ground
- The Iron Wulfenia as a monument to friendship
- The course of the border between Austria and Italy after World War I
- The Nassfeldkirche
- dig trenches
- A landmark tellsarms roared
- The first Nassfeldhütte of the Alpenverein
- Stone memorial on the Watschigeralm Road
- The second Nassfeldhütte of the Alpine Club
- The Austrian military camp under the Auernig
- The Wulfenia
- KOOTHRAPPALI Soldiers on the Watschiger Alm
- The construction of the Nassfeldstraße during the 1st World War
- The sulphur spring
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Lokacija i dolazak
Regija Nassfeld-Pressegger See nalazi se u Koruškoj/ Austriji direktno na granci s Italijom.

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