GT 3 Weissbriach - Alte Kreuzbergstraße

Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemiddeld
  • 7.6 km
  • 1.3 h
  • 795 hm
    Laagste punt
  • 1086 hm
    Hoogste punt
  • 292 hm
  • 155 hm

GT 3 Weissbriach - Alte Kreuzbergstraße

The challenging mountain bike tour leads from Weißbriach via the old Kreuzberg road up to the Kreuzberg. From there you can follow a stretch further on to the Weißenseehaus in Techendorf.
After the bike tour take a refreshing cool down in the adventure swimming pool Gitschtal.
  • Helmet duty!!!!!!
  • Right clothing: Do not only adapt your clothing to the current weather conditions. Also pack warm clothing, a spare jersey and rain protection in summer, especially in the early and late seasons.
  • Emergency equipment: bandages, repair kit (spare hose, pump, tools), map, mobile phone and possibly GPS
  • ATTENTION: In the mountains reception is not guaranteed everywhere!
  • Take enough to drink with you and plan a stopover in good time


From the municipal office in Weißbriach - parking possibility - we first drive along the B87 Weißensee Bundesstraße towards Kreuzberg. After the place-name sign we turn right after 200 m onto the "Alte Kreuzbergstraße". The cart or gravel path is uphill past the "Mossmüller" to the Kreuzberg pass. Now you can either follow the route back to Weißbriach or you can take the B87 Weißensee Bundesstraße back to Weißbriach.

Another possibility would be to continue the journey to Techendorf am Weißensee.

Locatie en hoe vind je ons

De Nassfelder-Pressegger See vakantie regio is gelegen in de de provintie Karinthie, direct aan de Italiaanse grens.

Reis plannen

Wat wil je ontdekken?

NLW Badespass Tag65