H004 | Plenge

Moeilijkheidsgraad: eenvoudig
  • 12.3 km
  • 6.3 h
  • 998 hm
    Laagste punt
  • 2365 hm
    Hoogste punt
  • 1731 hm
  • 1731 hm

H004 | Plenge

From Wodmaier, follow the road into the Wolayer Valley as far as the junction [ trail 36] and turn left uphill through the forest along a forest track to a stream bed. On the other side in the increasingly steep forest uphill to the crossing to the left into a deeply incised valley reaching far up. Follow this upwards to a large snow and debris field. Continue up to the wall and cross over a ledge to the left to the edge of the cirque. After an exposed slope crossing, you reach the ridge, which you ascend steeply. Follow the ridge edge up to the summit.

Locatie en hoe vind je ons

De Nassfelder-Pressegger See vakantie regio is gelegen in de de provintie Karinthie, direct aan de Italiaanse grens.

Reis plannen

Wat wil je ontdekken?

NLW Badespass Tag65