H001 | Polinik vom Plöckenhaus

Težavnostna stopnja: srednja
  • 9.6 km
  • 5 h
  • 1218 viš. m.
    Najnižja točka
  • 2332 viš. m.
    Najvišja točka
  • 1100 viš. m.
  • 1100 viš. m.

H001 | Polinik vom Plöckenhaus

Ascent to Plöckenhaus - Cellonsee - Untere/Obere Spielbodenalm - Spielbodenthörl - Polinikgipfel (2,332m)
Gravelly/rocky between Spielbodenthörl and summit - surefootedness.

From the Plöckenhaus [trail 403] via the forest road into the Angerbach valley past the Grünsee lake, turn left soon after the bridge [trail 430]. Cross the meadow to the edge of the forest. Wind up the forest to the forest road, cross it and continue over the ditch to the Untere Spielbodenalm. Continue in an easterly direction across the next ditch over the edge of the forest to the Obere Spielbodenalm. From there ascend northwards into a basin and steeply up to Spielbodentörl. Now via the wide SE ridge to the summit.

After the tour, a detour up to the national border for a tris and a glass of wine (in Italy) at Assunta.
Sturdy shoes and good hiking equipment are necessary.


From Plöckenhaus to Spielbodenthörl a wonderful hiking trail on meadow and forest ground. From Thörl on the SE ridge to the summit, a gravelly, rocky path that requires surefootedness. Highly recommended as a family hike.

Lega in prihod

Dopustniška destinacija Mokrine-Preseško jezero leži na avstrijskem Koroškem/Avstrija neposredno ob meji z Italijo.

Načrtovanje prihoda
Wandern Alm NLW-21

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