HP2 - Egger Alm - Poludnig

Težavnostna stopnja: težka
  • 22.6 km
  • 3.5 h
  • 578 viš. m.
    Najnižja točka
  • 1728 viš. m.
    Najvišja točka
  • 1212 viš. m.
  • 98 viš. m.

HP2 - Egger Alm - Poludnig

From Möderndorf the route first heads towards the Garnitzenklamm and then uphill along the Eggeralm Road. From the Egger Alm continue towards the Dellacher Alm - keep right here and follow the gravel road to the Almgasthaus Poludnig. Descent on the same route With the E-MTB this tour is definitely a pleasure.

Variants: Descent via Dellacher Alm - Koutschitzalm and via Vorderberg and the R3 cycle path back to Möderndorf (Tour HP8)

Combination with the following routes: I1

  • Wonderful view at the Poludnig
  • Traditional mountain pastures and local cheese dairy
  • Helmet duty!!!!!!
  • Right clothing: Do not only adapt your clothing to the current weather conditions.
  • Also pack warm clothing, a spare jersey and rain protection in summer, especially in the early and late seasons.
  • Emergency equipment: bandages, repair kit (spare hose, pump, tools), map, mobile phone and possibly GPS
  • ATTENTION: In the mountains reception is not guaranteed everywhere!
  • Take enough to drink with you and plan a stopover in good time


KM 0 about 100 metres to the north - here you meet the R3B cycle path

KM 0.1 Keep to the right and follow the R3B cycle path to the R3A junction

KM 0.3 Continue right onto R3B

KM 0.5 Roundabout - straight ahead onto R3B

KM 0.8 Straight on - along cycle path R3A to Möderndorf

KM 2.4 straight on - along the R3 cycle path through Möderndorf

KM 3.2 Keep slightly to the right - follow the Eggeralm Road to the Egger Alm

KM 12.7 Egger Alm - along the main asphalt road towards Dellacher Alm

KM 16.1 Turn right towards Poludnig

KM 17.2 From here, follow the gravel road towards the Poludnig Alp

KM 22.5 Poluding alpine pasture

Lega in prihod

Dopustniška destinacija Mokrine-Preseško jezero leži na avstrijskem Koroškem/Avstrija neposredno ob meji z Italijo.

Načrtovanje prihoda
Wandern Alm NLW-21

Kaj želite odkriti?

NLW Badespass Tag65