M001 | Missoria Round
Težavnostna stopnja:
8.7 kmProga
2.9 hTrajanje
692 viš. m.Najnižja točka
960 viš. m.Najvišja točka
287 viš. m.
287 viš. m.
M001 | Missoria Round
A classic for acclimatising and as a family/friends hike for in-between.
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A classic for acclimatising and as a family/friends hike for in-between. Directly from the village, the route leads gently uphill via the forest and Sausteg and after around half an hour, it is a leisurely walk via the Missoria-Alm to Würmlach. Via the Wiener Weg back to Mauthen.
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Dopustniška destinacija Mokrine-Preseško jezero leži na avstrijskem Koroškem/Avstrija neposredno ob meji z Italijo.
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