Oberbuchacher Alm / Gundersheimer Alm

Težavnostna stopnja: srednja
  • 16.2 km
  • 6.1 h
  • 635 viš. m.
    Najnižja točka
  • 1681 viš. m.
    Najvišja točka
  • 1407 viš. m.
  • 447 viš. m.

Oberbuchacher Alm / Gundersheimer Alm

Follow the road from Griminitzen to Oberbuchach. Continue on the alpine path to the Gundersheimer Alm. Turn off to the Oberbuchacher Alm, turn left before the brook crossing.Nice, shady and not steep path, but a little steeper to Oberbuchacher Alm.
From both mountain pastures beautiful view over the valley.
Sturdy shoes

Drinks and snacks


Goods way from Griminitzen to Oberbuchach, further alpine pasture way to the Gundersheimer Alm, with branching off to Oberbuchacher Alm before the brook crossing left.beautiful, shady and not steep way, however to Oberbuchacher Alm somewhat steeper. From both pastures beautiful view over the valley.

Lega in prihod

Dopustniška destinacija Mokrine-Preseško jezero leži na avstrijskem Koroškem/Avstrija neposredno ob meji z Italijo.

Načrtovanje prihoda
Wandern Alm NLW-21

Kaj želite odkriti?

NLW Badespass Tag65