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XS_N16 Nadaln Loipe (Skating)
Težavnostna stopnja:srednja
1.7 km
0.4 h
788 viš. m.
Najnižja točka
829 viš. m.
Najvišja točka
42 viš. m.
42 viš. m.
XS_N16 Nadaln Loipe (Skating)
Sunny cross-country skiing on the Nadaln trail in the middle of Weißbriach.
Via the connecting trail V1 you reach the Gitschtal L3.
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It is possible to start directly on the Nadaln in Weißbriach. The trail is marked L1 and is continuously signposted. The easily manageable trail is ideal for beginners but also suitable for advanced athletes. Due to the short distance, the Nadaln cross-country skiing trail is also predestined as a warm-up trail or easy and short practice trail.