T002 | Wiener Weg, vegetable farm
Nehézségi fokozat:
4.5 kmÚtvonal
1.2 óraIdőtartam
690 szintkül.Legalacsonyabb pont
716 szintkül.Legmagasabb pont
26 szintkül.
26 szintkül.
T002 | Wiener Weg, vegetable farm
Gentle valley hike along the "Wiener Weg" to Weildegg Castle, past the "Bischof", to the vegetable farm and through the "Einfang Äcker" back to Mauthen.
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Gentle and varied valley hike along the Wiener Weg to Würmlach, on to the vegetable farm and through the fields back to Mauthen.
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