Poludnig (1.999 m)

Težavnostna stopnja: srednja
  • 11.1 km
  • 3.8 h
  • 1375 viš. m.
    Najnižja točka
  • 1999 viš. m.
    Najvišja točka
  • 651 viš. m.
  • 651 viš. m.

Poludnig (1.999 m)

While the Carnic Alps are rugged and rocky in the west, they are somewhat more relaxed in the east, for example in the area of the Lower Gail Valley.The crossing of the striking Poludnig peak offers a beautiful insight into this section - combined with a visit to three alpine villages worth seeing (because rare in this form) at the same time. A hearty "Brettljause" snack and cheese purchase included.

The three "Carnic Alpine villages" that you will visit today are "ancient". The Egger Alm has been farmed since 1865. In 1875, the agricultural hiking instructor Cosmas Schütz visited them and also recorded some grievances that did not go unnoticed:

"The Egger Alpe represents itself as a village of huts and stables (about 60), the latter often dilapidated, the former partly underpinned, for the sake of appropriate accommodation for spa guests, who enjoy the pure alpine air here. Of course there is no lack of inns, there should be five of them. A cross in the middle of the settlement marks the place of worship; all around it lies half a century old rubbish. The unused, mouldered dung heaps provide an insight into the careless cultivation from which this magnificent alp has to suffer.

Abuses that are history, and which you can no longer find today on the three extremely well-kept alpine pastures with their first-class buildings

If you feel like something particularly tasty on the Poludnig Alm, ask for a Kaiserschmarren at the Almgasthaus. You can bet that they will enjoy it very much?And on the Egger Alm you are guaranteed to be spoilt for choice when buying cheese...!

There are records which show that cheese has been produced on the alpine pastures of the Gailtal since the 13th century. The tradition of cheese-making has been passed down from generation to generation in the individual families for 700 years. Through the careful use of the resources that nature provides us with, the alpine dairymen contribute to the preservation of the beautiful cultural landscape.

This is also the case on the Egger Alm, one of 13 member alpine pastures in this region that produce the "Gailtaler Almkäse PDO". according to a traditional, established method. The "PDO" stands for "Protected Origin" throughout Europe - you will certainly want to convince yourself of the palatability and honesty of this product after the eventful mountain tour to the Poludnig.

This varies according to the season. But always with you: Functional hiking clothes, wind jacket, headgear, rainwear/protection, hiking boots, food, sufficient drinks, change of clothes, various personal items such as camera, mobile phone, sunscreen, sunglasses, first aid kit, etc.



From the car park on the Egger Alm you can reach the managed Almdorf with 49 objects and the "Heimkehrerkapelle" (chapel for returning home) in a few minutes. From here you turn to SE and walk along a marked forest road in the direction of Schloßhüttensattel (1,453 m). From here, you first climb in the forest, then gradually freer, on the likewise marked western ridge to the summit of Poludnig (1,999 m).

In addition to the tremendous panoramic view, the almost 2,000 m high site also offers an interesting "deep view" back to their starting point - the Egger Alm - and the Poludnig Alm (1,708 m) and the Dellacher Alm (1,362 m), which lies before their shoe tips.

According to official hiking maps, Poludnig missed the two-thousand-meter mark by a ridiculous meter. However, in the summit area you can choose whether you want to take a photo of the summit on Austrian or Italian territory. The borderline of both countries runs right in the proximity of the summit cross.


For the descent, they take the east ridge, so that the "Poludnig crossing" is complete. After about an hour you will reach the huts of Poludnig Alm. From here - starting at the lowest huts - a wide path leads down to the Dellacher Alm.

From here, turn west on the Egger Almstrasse and walk along the Seebach and the Egger Almsee back to your starting point.

Perhaps you would like to spend a few contemplative minutes in the chapel of the returnee on the Egger Alm as a conclusion of the tour:

This chapel was built in memory of the fallen and missing in the Second World War between 1950 and 1952 with the help of many volunteers. But also out of gratitude for the safe return of the soldiers from the Egg area and in honour of Marien, the Queen of Peace. In the meantime, this chapel has not only become a recognized church monument, but should also serve as an encouragement to continue to stand up for peace, freedom and humanity.

Lega in prihod

Dopustniška destinacija Mokrine-Preseško jezero leži na avstrijskem Koroškem/Avstrija neposredno ob meji z Italijo.

Načrtovanje prihoda
Wandern Alm NLW-21

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